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Couple Paulette and Louis.

#4 : Paulette and Louis, the French

It is our 100% tricolor couple since Louis hatched in the Vendée park of Puy du Fou in 2014, he embodies by his first name the royalist tradition valiantly defended by the Chouans. Paulette on her side pointed her beak in 2012 in the center of France, in the zoo of the Haute-Touche. This pair failed their breeding attempt in 2021 but we think that 2022, and the beginning of the reintroduction program, will make them successful again. It would indeed be great if 100% French eagles could recolonize the Upper Rhône basin. You will easily recognize Paulette, she is one of our biggest females and she is extremely territorial not hesitating to engage regularly in neighborhood conflicts through the nets.

Probability of reproduction in 2023: 90%.


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